Groundbreaking mobility concepts wanted

Groundbreaking mobility concepts wanted

By eeNews Europe

In today’s mobile society, the amount of goods and the number of persons to be transported has been increasing constantly over the past decades. Amidst rising ecologic and economic issues, sustainable and innovative concepts for transport and logistics are gaining importance to meet the increased requirements. How can existing modes of transport such as road, rail, water or intermodal means of transport be enhanced to meet future demand?

The Europe-wide contest TRA VISIONS 2016 invites students as well as researchers and developers from all over Europe to submit their ideas for the solution of future transport, logistics and mobility issues. Students must submit their drafts by June 30. Students as well as developers can prepare complete concepts by end of September. Thereafter, a jury of experts from universities, research institutions and industry will assess the ideas and select the top three suggestions for each mode of transport (road, rail, water, intermodal). The winners of the contest will be honoured at the Transport Research Arena Conference 2016 in Warsaw where they also will have the opportunity to introduce their concepts.

TRA VISIONS takes place every other year and awards a prize for students as well as for developers from the research community and the industry working on solutions for future logistics and transport technologies in EU projects. The contest is organised by a committee with members from the the WEGEMT (a group of 40 European universities), the Newcastle University, the University College of London, the Institute for Automobiles (ika) of the RWTH Aachen university and the Politecnico de Torino.

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